Computational Analysis of Biomacromolecular Sequences
The aim of this course is to understand and become familiar with the basic concepts of Computational Analysis of Biomolecular Sequences not only in theory but also in practice. The student should be able to know the theory behind the basic relevant bioinformatics algorithms and be able to design their own. Within the framework of the course, topics such as multiple and pairwise sequence alignment, similarity searching in databases, protein and DNA prediction algorithms, prediction of protein secondary structure, genome analysis, sequence representation, as well as linguistic characteristics of genetic messages are analyzed.
Computational Analysis of Biomolecular Structures
The purpose of this course is to learn techniques and methods of Structural Bioinformatics for managing data concerning the structure and interactions of biomolecules and small molecules, which lead to specific biological responses/functions. Methods for determining and modeling the 3D structure of proteins as well as methods for determining their secondary structure are presented within the course. The basic principles and applications of Electron Microscopy (EM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Cryo-electron microscopy, as well as integrated approaches of Structural Biology with applications in Health and Biotechnology are also discussed.
Programming Languages and Software Tools in Bioinformatics ii
The aim of the course is to complement the core knowledge of Bioinformatics-Computational Biology with two programming languages, Perl and Python, for solving complex bioinformatics problems, such as the analysis of biological networks, genomic analyses, gene expression analyses, sequence management problems, pattern searches, and sequence classification. Upon completion of the courses, students will be able to develop computational programs using both Perl and Python programming languages, both for implementing solutions to algorithmic problems with an emphasis on bioinformatics and for using machine learning libraries and deep neural networks for solving machine learning problems in the same scientific field.
Molecular Recognition – Molecular Diseases – Structural Drug Design
The purpose of the course is to provide a comprehensive presentation of the processes that make up the discovery and development of new drugs, with an emphasis on methodologies for rational design of small molecular weight biologically active molecules. The student is familiarized with the different scientific approaches applied in the successive stages of drug development and design, and the role and significance of each of these is taught for achieving the desired result. By the end of the period, the student will be able to develop critical thinking about the various factors that determine the overall value of the molecules under study as potential drugs, and to utilize it both in understanding their biological or therapeutic action and in managing fundamental research questions that may arise in their subsequent professional career.
Methodology of Research
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge related to the methodology of scientific research. It includes topics such as the principles of research methodology, writing, evaluation, and publication of research results in the scientific press, selection of scientific journals, use of bibliography management tools, structure of a research paper, evaluation of a paper using the peer review system, through which students can plan and conduct small or large-scale scientific research, evaluate and utilize research findings and data, and support their scientific research at the seminar level.