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Every May, by decision of the Assembly of the Department of Biology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), a call for applications for admission to the MSc program is published and posted on the Department’s and the Institution’s website. The relevant applications, along with the necessary documents, are submitted to the Secretariat of the MSc program within a deadline set forth in the call, which may be extended by decision of the Department’s Assembly. In case the number of students is not filled, a supplementary call may follow.

The necessary documents include:

  • Application for participation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Photocopy of both sides of the ID card
  • Copy of diploma or certificate of completion of studies
  • Detailed transcript of undergraduate courses
  • English language proficiency certificate, at least level B2
  • Recommendation letters (1-2)
  • Scientific publications, if available
  • Evidence of professional or research activity, if available
  • Greek language proficiency certificate or sufficient knowledge, as determined by the Selection Committee of the MSc, for foreign candidates wishing to participate in programs conducted in Greek.
  • Recognition of academic degree from abroad

For students from foreign institutions who do not provide a certificate of recognition of academic degree from the Hellenic NARIC (DOATAP), the following procedure is followed:

The Department’s Assembly appoints a committee responsible for determining whether a foreign institution or a type of degree from a foreign institution is recognized. To recognize a degree, the following conditions must be met:

  • The institution awarding the degrees must be included in the list of foreign institutions maintained and updated by DOATAP.
  • The student must submit a certificate of place of study issued and sent by the foreign university. If the place of study or part thereof is certified to be within Greek territory, the degree is not recognized unless the place of study within Greek territory is a public university.

The evaluation of candidates and the selection of admitted students are based on the following criteria:

  • Undergraduate GPA (15%)
  • Undergraduate or diploma thesis, if any (10%)
  • Relevance of the undergraduate degree and the candidate’s knowledge to the subject matter of the MSc program (10%)
  • Certified English language proficiency level B2 (10%)
  • Scientific publications (5%)
  • Participation in conferences (5%)
  • Recommendation letters (5%)
  • Oral interview with the Selection Committee (40%)

Based on the overall criteria, the Selection Committee prepares the assessment table of the students and submits it to the Secretariat of the Department of Biology.

Successful candidates must enroll in the MSc program within thirty (30) days of the decision of the Selection Committee.

In case of a tie (rounded to the nearest integer on a scale of 100), candidates with equal scores are admitted, up to a maximum of 10% of the total number of admissions.

In case one or more students do not enroll, eligible candidates (if any) will be called to enroll in the MSc program based on their ranking in the approved evaluation table.