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The significant changes that have occurred in the field of Molecular Biology (classical and structural) over the past decades, combined with the evolution of Genomics technology, have led to an exponential increase in the information generated by the biological community. This made it absolutely necessary to manage, control, and analyze all this data with the ultimate goal of exploiting it to derive significant biological conclusions. A direct consequence of the above was the need for the development of specialized computational tools (software), as well as the adaptation of existing proven systems, for the storage, visualization, and analysis of data, triggering the significant “explosion” observed in the field of Bioinformatics today.

Bioinformatics is the scientific field where the collaboration of Biology with Computer Science, Statistics, and Mathematics explores new ways to approach biological problems, as well as to understand the fundamental principles of Biology. It is a knowledge area with a specific and broad field of applications and interaction with modern structural, molecular, and population biology. The field of Bioinformatics is considered one of the most rapidly growing globally, having already demonstrated significant achievements and attracting particularly significant investments. Essentially, it occupies a central position in the modern developments of Life Sciences, with the most characteristic example being the “Decoding” programs of Genomes, including that of Humans.

The research field of Bioinformatics existed before the tremendous “explosion” in the collection of genomic, mainly, information and began to develop in the early 1970s. Many of today’s directions in this field are based on foundations that were already laid during that period. The wealth and variety of information available today, requiring analysis and processing, have given new impetus and extensions to this field, which, in several cases, constitutes the cutting edge in the basic and applied research of Biological-Medical Sciences.

A characteristic phenomenon throughout the history of the field of Bioinformatics has been the “recruitment” of specialists from various scientific disciplines (Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, etc.) with the common denominator of using mathematical methods and computational techniques for the description and analysis of Biological Systems. The increasing complexity of the data to be analyzed and their variety makes it imperative for specialists from all of the above fields, appropriately trained based on the general principles and methodology of modern Bioinformatics, to contribute and collaborate to meet the increased demands of the field in research and production.


The MSc in “Bioinformatics – Computational Biology” of the Department of Biology has been operating with postgraduate students since 2003. It is periodically reformed based on the acquisition of integrated and contemporary knowledge of the science of Bioinformatics and the requirements of society. Its orientation is educational, scientific, and professional. The teaching staff of the MSc currently consists of 33 faculty members, 8 adjunct faculty members, and 19 Researchers (all Ph.D. holders), who are excellently trained and suitably specialized to conduct high-level teaching and research.

The design of the MSc was made within the framework of a coordinated process following the strategy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education. In this design, the academic profile and orientation, the objectives, the structure and organization, the expected learning outcomes, and the desired professional qualifications were determined to meet:

a) the promotion of the science of Bioinformatics-Computational Biology through high-level international teaching and research,

b) the needs of modern society for scientifically trained and specialized human resources.

It provides high-level studies and leads to the acquisition of a Master’s degree.

The achievement of the objectives and learning outcomes of the MSc, as well as its review, is carried out through the submission of opinions and information to the MSc by: a) graduates. This provides an opportunity for the exchange of opinions and the submission of comments-observations regarding the courses that have proved useful in continuing their specialization, as well as proposals for the integration of new material or modification of existing courses, and b) through seminars and informative meetings in various fields of work and research covered by our graduates, during which proposals are made to improve the level of knowledge of our graduates and upgrade the MSc. For example, the interaction of the MSc with the Panhellenic Association of Bioscientists (PAB) and the Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (HSCBB) has led to the organization of special sections within the framework of the Panhellenic Congresses, related to the professional prospects of our graduates.

At the same time, an effort is being made to organize a system to reconnect graduates with the MSc so that there is continuous interaction and exchange of information (alumni).


The MSc program in “Bioinformatics – Computational Biology” aims to provide high-level postgraduate education in the scientific field of Bioinformatics to students with backgrounds in biology and computer science, as well as mathematics, statistics, and engineering, who wish to specialize in the development and application of methods used for the organization, processing, analysis, and interpretation of high-scale biological data. Given the explosion in biological research due to the large volume of biological data, the presence of scientific expertise in Bioinformatics will lead to the creation of a critical mass of scientists who will progressively and comprehensively change the way biological research is conducted.

The program aims to equip young Bioinformatics scientists with: a) the necessary skills to continue their studies at the doctoral level, b) the basic knowledge to pursue careers in Bioinformatics positions in academia or industry, and c) the basic skills to potentially start their own company. The MSc program in “Bioinformatics – Computational Biology” leads to the award of a Master’s Degree in “Bioinformatics – Computational Biology” upon successful completion of studies based on the curriculum, which is awarded by the Department of Biology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Learning Outcomes

Successful completion of the MSc program in “Bioinformatics – Computational Biology” leads to the following learning outcomes:

  • Familiarization of students with the scientific field of Bioinformatics – Computational Biology,
  • Understanding of the organization of biological data,
  • Familiarization with accessing biological data,
  • Familiarization with the submission of new biological data to databases,
  • Familiarization with the use of bioinformatics tools,
  • Development of methods and computational tools for the organization, extraction, analysis, and understanding of biological information,
  • Development of new algorithms for estimating/evaluating relationships among members of large data sets originating from high-performance technologies,
  • Familiarization of students with the possibilities of applying Bioinformatics – Computational Biology to address biological questions/problems, enabling them to draw conclusions and provide answers to them.

As a result of all the above, upon completion of their studies, students will have acquired the qualifications and developed the practical skills to advance their careers in a cutting-edge field, securing top positions in the workforce.

Specifically, they will have the opportunity (among others) to work in:

  • Universities,
  • Research centers,
  • Hospitals,
  • Biotechnology companies,
  • Biomedical diagnostic centers

as bioinformatics analysts, pharmaceutical industry scientists, biostatisticians, artificial intelligence (AI) programmers in the biomedical field, biomedical data scientists, bioinformatics technicians.